Thursday, May 17, 2012

 by Maria Tarnev-Wydro, HD

We don’t usually give much thought to the fact that there are two sides to our skin, an inside and an outside. We pay attention to the outside because that’s the part everyone sees, but the other side may be the real secret to radiant skin.

Your skin is the largest organ in the body and it is the only major organ that is inside and outside your body. It is a porous barrier between you and the environment. You must cleanse, nourish and support both sides of your skin. True beauty radiates from the inside, out. How can you radiate beauty and confidence when you're not healthy on the inside?

There are lots of invasive and expensive  “quick fixes” available today that can cause your body to go into “emergency” mode and may work temporarily, but at what price? The way to long-lasting, true beauty is by allowing your skin to repair and rejuvenate itself through a daily, synergistic approach of proper care and nurturing. This will give you a solid foundation of health and beauty that will last long after the “quick fixes” need more fixing. Let’s take a look at some simple, yet effective ways to bring a youthful radiance to your skin, inside and out.


1.    Make sure you are drinking enough clean water daily. Water helps to hydrate your skin while carrying away impurities and flushing out toxins. This means WATER. Not diet sodas. Not juices. Not coffee.... Water. Your body is mostly water and it needs steady replenishment.

2.    Eat a well-balanced diet consisting of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables (fresh means NOT canned, NOT frozen, NOT processed), fish, legumes, rice and fresh lean meats.  Limit your intake of breads (white flour), fats, coffee, alcohol, and trips to fast food restaurants. The antioxidants in the fruits and vegetables will help neutralize free radicals and help repair your skin. Eat a variety of deep colored fruits (blueberries, strawberries, purple grapes, raspberries, etc.) and a rainbow of colored vegetables (carrots, broccoli, beets, green peppers, spinach, etc.) for their high antioxidant content and variety of tastes.

3.    Exercise regularly, 3-5 times per week for at least 30 minutes. Yoga, running, swimming, biking, walking, stretching, dancing, whatever you like. The benefits are too many to mention, but exercise, along with adequate water intake, will help the lymph system flush out toxins and relieve stress.

4.    Take high-quality nutritional supplements. There is a lot of information about nutritional supplements everywhere you look these days. There always seem to be supplements that are “hot” at any given time in the media, however, the following are a few of the “staples” that have had long track records of proven results. These are Antioxidants, Omega 3,6, and 9, and CoQ10. Always buy high-quality supplements. Bargain basement supplements will give you nothing but expensive urine.

5.    Get proper rest daily. Sleep 7-9 hours in a quiet, relaxing environment.  Sleep is the body’s rejuvenation time. Think of how much better you look and feel after a good night’s sleep. You will awake ready to enjoy your day.

6.    Avoid stress as much as possible. In today’s world, stress is almost impossible to avoid but you can reduce stress by doing some simple, enjoyable things like: taking a walk in nature, reading, visiting a friend, taking a drive in the country, listening to relaxing music, having a massage, going fishing… get the idea. Notice that watching TV is not on the list. TV can fill your mind with negativity, bombard you with image manipulation via commercials and give you a distorted view of reality by showing you everything that's bad about the world. Continually watching such things will cause, not relieve stress. Take a break from the tube.


1.    Here too, we start with water. Make sure you cleanse your skin morning and evening using a gentle, organic cleanser or castile soap. The idea is to flush away dirt, dead skin cells, perspiration, makeup residue, etc. without stripping the skin of its natural oils.

2.    Take a relaxing warm bath at least once a week and make sure you scrub your skin (gently) with a brush or loofah to get rid of old, dead skin. Try a refreshing, detoxifying facial masque to draw out impurities, deep clean the pores and even skin tone. Immersing in the warm water is a great stress reliever, too!

3.    Make sure to use high-quality, natural and organic skin care products. It will do your skin no good to do all of the above and then apply a lotion or cream to your skin that is full of cheap petrochemicals (mineral oils), parabens (waxes), co-polymers (used in plastics), harsh cleansers and preservatives. Organic and natural skin care will replenish, balance and rejuvenate your skin while giving it a soft, smooth feel. It will also nourish your skin back to health and healthy skin is beautiful skin. Besides a gentle cleanser, the three “must have” skin care products are a moisturizer to hydrate, a night repair cream (antioxidant) to rejuvenate and an anti-aging eye cream.

When you think of skin care, always think about taking care of both sides, inside and out. By taking a systematic and synergistic approach you will begin to notice a difference in no time. Your friends and family will notice the difference, too. Having a bright, youthful complexion is possible at any age, it just takes a little planning. It all equates to inner health, outer beauty!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Organic Cotton and Bamboo Bedding

If you have not yet experienced the luxury of Organic Cotton and Bamboo clothing then you may not yet know that these products are growing in popularity. Bamboo's round shaped fibers make the material amazingly soft and absorbent and longer lasting when properly cared for. Bamboo is also known to have antibacterial properties and always smells fresh. Special care needs to be taken when washing Bamboo bedding To read more about the different types of fabric used for bedding: Different fabrics.

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