Anyone can learn to do these 5 exercises if you have good mobility. I learned them when I was in my middle 30's and being someone who has lead a very active life style I found them a breeze to learn.
They are yoga like in that you learn to do them slowly and even for the most athletic it recommended that the first day you only do one of each. You never do more than 21 reps of each exercise and as you lean to feel how that affect your body you may want to do them with more vigor.
I do them faster in the early part of the day to get my fluids flowing and slower in evening to help me relax and often doing under 5 reps of each and also do them more slowly while paying more attention to my breathing. I prefer to do them outside unless it is raining and cold. Doing them outside in the rain on a hot day can be fun if you like that kind of thing!
I do know people who have done these exercises for many years and they do seem ageless.
These exercises combined with a simply diet will keep you feeling and looking good. I will be adding a video of me doing the Tibetan 5 rites
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